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Within GAST group

Seminar announcement: Computational Social Choice

We are pleased to announce the following seminar:

Title: Computational Social Choice

Speaker: Edith Elkind, University of Oxford

Dates: 12-15 March 2018

Location: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés Campus


The rapidly growing field of computational social choice, which lies at the intersection of computer science and economics, deals with algorithmic and complexity-theoretic aspects of collective decision making and voting in particular. The ingredients of a typical voting problem are agents (or voters) and alternatives (or candidates). Agents express their opinions over the alternatives (either in the form of approval ballots, or partial orders, or complete rankings), and the task is typically to produce an outcome (which can be a single winner, a fixed-size set of alternatives, or a ranking of all alternatives), which reflects the overall societal opinion. This model finds applications in various scenarios, ranging from political elections, hiring committees, to recommender systems and crowdsourcing. This course discusses a number of prominent topics in computational social choice, such as the design of efficient preference aggregation mechanisms for a given task, the role of computational complexity as a barrier against strategic behaviour, and the exploitation of input structure to work around axiomatic impossibility issues.


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