Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources Miguel R Luaces, Jesús A Fisteus, Luis Sánchez-Fernández, Mario Munoz-Organero, Jesús Balado, Lucía Díaz-Vilariño, Henrique Lorenzo
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(1), 7.
Patterns for distributed real-time stream processing Pablo Basanta-Val, Norberto Fernandez-Garcia, Luis Sánchez-Fernández, Jesus Arias-Fisteus
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(11), 3243-3257.
Proportional justified representation Luis Sánchez-Fernández, Edith Elkind, Martin Lackner, Norberto Fernández, Jesús A. Fisteus, Pablo Basanta Val, Piotr Skowron
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 31. No. 1.
Some Notes on Justified Representation
Luis Sánchez-Fernández, Norberto Fernández García, Jesús Arias Fisteus and Pablo Basanta-Val
The 10th Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (MPREF), New York, USA.
Improving large-scale search engines with semantic annotations
Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo, Norberto Fernández, Jesús A. Fisteus and Luis Sánchez. Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 40, Issue 6, pp. 2287-2296.
Grading Multiple Choice Exams with Low-Cost
and Portable Computer-Vision Techniques
Jesús Arias Fisteus, Abelardo Pardo and Norberto Fernández García. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 560-571.
WikiIdRank++: extensions and improvements of the WikiIdRank system
for entity linking
María Dolores Jiménez, Norberto Fernández,
Jesús Arias, Luis Sánchez. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Volume 22, Issue 3.
Artículos en conferencias:
Repaso activo mediante el uso de mapas conceptuales: una experiencia de innovación docente
Norberto Fernández, Jesús Arias, Iván Vidal, Jaime García-Reinoso, Luis Sánchez.
Actas de las III Jornadas de Innovación Educativa en Ingeniería Telemática (JIE 2013),
Octubre, Granada, España.
Artículos en revistas:
WikiIdRank: An unsupervised approach for entity linking based on instance co-occurrence
Norberto Fernández, Jesús A. Fisteus, Luis Sánchez and Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo. Int. J. of Innovative Computing Information and Control, Volume 8, Issue 11.
IdentityRank: named entity disambiguation in the news domain
Norberto Fernández, Jesús Arias, Luis Sánchez, Gonzalo López. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 39, Issue 10, pp. 9207-9221.
Capítulos en libros:
Managing Legacy Telco Data using RESTful Web Services
Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo, Luis Sánchez, Antonio Cuadra Sánchez, María del Mar Cutanda Rodríguez REST: From Research to Practice.
C. Pautasso and E. Wilde (Eds). Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-8302-2 (pags. 303-317).
Course Quality Improvement using Mid-semester Feedback
Abelardo Pardo, Iria Estévez-Ayres, Pablo Basanta-Val and Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 366-376.
Artículos en conferencias:
A Semantic Web-based Integration Framework
Antonio Cuadra, María del Mar Cutanda, Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo and Luis Sánchez
Seventh International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP' 11),
19-21 Octubre, Salamanca, España, 2011.
Artículos en revistas:
TheNEWS ontology: design and applications
Norberto Fernández, Damaris Fuentes, Luis Sánchez, Jesús A. Fisteus.
Expert Systems With Applications, Volume 37, Issue 12, pp. 8694-8704.
Hashing and canonicalizing Notation 3 graphs
Jesús Arias Fisteus, Norberto Fernandez Garcia, Luis Sanchez Fernandez and Carlos Delgado Kloos. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Volume 76, pp. 663-685.
Artículos en conferencias:
Integración de Bases de datos basada en Web Semántica
Eduardo Martín, Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo, Luis Sánchez, David Muñoz-Díaz, Antonio Cuadra, María del Mar Cutanda .
XX Jornadas Telecom I+D,
27-29 Septiembre, Valladolid, España, 2010.
Programación en C con aprendizaje activo, evaluación continua y trabajo en equipo: caso de estudio
Pardo, A., Estévez-Ayres, I., Basanta-Val, P. & Fuentes-Lorenzo, D.
XVI Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2010),
7-9 Julio, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España, 2010.
A Process for Improving Course Quality based on Mid-semester Feedback
Pardo, A., Estévez-Ayres, I., Basanta-Val, P. & Fuentes-Lorenzo, D.
1st International Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Reforming Education and Quality of Teaching (TECHEDUCA 2010),
19-21 Mayo, Atenas, Grecia, 2010.
Artículos en revistas:
A semantic similarity measure in the context of semantic queries
Jose M. Blázquez del Toro, Jesus A. Fisteus, Vicente L. Centeno and Luis Sánchez Fernández. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Volume 33, Number 4, ISSN 0952-8091, Elsevier, pags. 285 - 291.
Knowledge Management in Biomedical Libraries: A Semantic Web Approach
Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo, Jorge Morato, Juan Miguel Gómez. Information Systems Frontiers, Volume 11, Number 4, ISSN 1387-3326, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pags. 471 - 480.
Artículos en conferencias:
Data Extraction from Semantic Annotated Deep Web Sites
E. Martín Rojo, V. Luque-Centeno.
In First International Workshop on Lightweight Integration on the Web,
co-located with the 9th International Conference of Web Engineering,
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Vol. 470, pgs. 1-11,
San Sebastián, Spain, 24-26, June 2009.
Service Monitoring Platform based on Advanced Web Technologies
Cuadra Sanchez, A., Cutanda Rodriguez, M. M., Reyes Ureña, M., Cantera Fonseca, J. M., Garcés García, F., Sánchez Fernández, L., Fuentes Lorenzo, D. 48th FITCE Congress 2009,
Praga, República Checa.
Artículos en conferencias:
Tecnologías Web Avanzadas para el Aseguramiento de la Calidad de Servicio
Antonio Cuadra, Francisco Garcés, Marcos Reyes, José Manuel Cantera, Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo y Luis Sánchez. IV Jornadas Científico-Técnicas en Servicios Web y SOA,
Sevilla, España.
Plataforma de Monitorización Avanzada basada en Tecnologías Web
Antonio Cuadra, Francisco Garcés, Damaris Fuentes-Lorenzo, Luis Sánchez y Marcos Reyes XVIII Jornadas Telecom I+D,
Bilbao, España.
Web Accessibility Evaluation via XSLT
Vicente Luque Centeno, Carlos Delgado Kloos, José M. Blázquez del Toro and Martin Gaedke 1st International Workshop on Web Usability and Accessibility, Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2007 Workshops,
Nancy, France, December 3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4832, pgs. 459-469, Springer, ISSN 0302-9743.
Ordenación de resultados en consultas semánticas sobre bases de datos
J.M. Blázquez, Jesús Arias, Vicente Luque, Luis Sánchez ZOCO'07/JISBD: Integración de Aplicaciones Web no Desmantelables,
Actas de Talleres de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, Vol. 1, N. 3, pags. 22-30, ISSN 1988-3455.
Semantic Annotation of Web Resources Using IdentityRank and Wikipedia
Norberto Fernández García, José María Blázquez del Toro, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Vicente Luque Centeno Fifth International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2007, Advances in Soft Computing,
Fountainebleau, France, June 27-29.
SWSW: Repositorio de descripciones semánticas de Servicios Web basado en tecnología Wiki
José M. Blázquez del Toro, Jesús Arias Fisteus, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Norberto Fernández García. II Jornadas Científico-Técnicas en Servicios Web (JSWEB 2006),
Santiago de Compostela, 16-17 de noviembre de 2006.
NEWS: Bringing Semantic Web Technologies into News Agencies
N. Fernández, J. M. Blázquez, J. Arias, L. Sánchez, M. Sintek, A. Bernardi, M. Fuentes, A. Marrara, Z. Ben-Asher In proceedings of the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2006. Ed. Springer, LNCS.
Athens, Georgia, USA, November, 2006.
PIMO Population and Semantic Annotation for the Gnowsis Semantic Desktop
N. Fernández, L. Sauermann, L. Sánchez, A. Bernardi In proceedings of the Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop, SemDesk 2006, co-located with the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2006.
Athens, Georgia, USA, November, 2006.
A Semantic Web Portal for Semantic Annotation and Search
N. Fernández, J. M. Blázquez, J. Arias, L. Sánchez In proceedings of the Semantic Web Engineering Applications, SWEA, colocated with the 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES 2006. Ed. Springer.LNCS, Vol. 4253,
Bournemouth, UK, October, 2006.
Semantic Web Services Wiki
José M. Blázquez del Toro, Jesús Arias Fisteus, Luis Sánchez Fernández. 5th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006),
Athens, Georgia (USA),November 5-9, 2006.
An experience with Semantic Web technologies in the news domain
L. Sánchez, N. Fernández, A. Bernardi, L. Zapf, A. Peñas, M. Fuentes In proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Web Case Studies and Best Practices for eBusiness, SWCASE 2005, colocated with the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2005. CEUR-WS Proceedings, Vol. 155,
Galway, Ireland, November, 2005.
The NEWS Project - Semantic Web Technologies for the news domain
L. Zapf, N. Fernández, L. Sánchez In proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, EWIMT 2005. Pags. 455-460,
London, UK, November, 2005.
An Ontology-based P2P System for Query-based Semantic Annotation Sharing
N. Fernández, L. Sánchez, J. M. Blázquez, D. Larrabeiti In proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Ontologies in P2P Communities, OntoP2P 2005, colocated with the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2005.
Heraklion, Greece, May, 2005.
Acceso a contenidos distribuidos con tecnologías de Servicios Web y Web Semántica
Norberto Fernández García, Jesús Villamor Lugo, José María Blázquez del Toro, Luis Sánchez Fernández, Pablo Jiménez Bermejo, Jesús Arias Fisteus. XIV Jornadas Telecom I+D.
Madrid (España), Noviembre 2004.
Building an Ontology for NEWS Applications
N. Fernández, L. Sánchez In Proceedings of the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2004.
Hiroshima, Japan, November, 2004.
Beyond JAIN. Towards Parlay-based Java APIs for Telecommunications
I. Estévez, P. Basanta, N. Fernández, M. García In proceedings of the 10th EUNICE summer school and IFIP WG 6.3 Workshop on Advances in Fixed and Mobile Networks, EUNICE 2004.
Tampere, Finland, June, 2004
Infoflex: Flexible and Distributed Content Management. Using Web Services and Semantic Web to Manage Content
J. Villamor, N. Fernández, L. Sánchez, J. Arias, T. Nogales, A. Hernández, D. Rodríguez. ICEIS 2004. 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems.
Oporto (Portugal), Abril 2004.
Gestión Flexible de Contenidos Distribuidos
L. Sánchez, J. Villamor, J. Arias, N. Fernández, T. Nogales, A. Hernández, D. Rodríguez Boletín Nacional de Red Iris, Vol. 66-67, pags. 39-42,
January, 2004.